NJ Civil War Flag Rotation
Historic New Jersey Civil War Flags Unveiled in New Exhibit at the State Museum New Jersey, a state that contributed over 80,000 men to the Civil War, holds a significant place in the nation's history. The New Jersey State Museum, a custodian of this rich heritage, proudly houses over 100 flags carried by New Jersey’s troops during the war. On July 6, 2024, five of these historic flags, each a testament to the valor and sacrifice of our ancestors, were unveiled in specially designed exhibit cases at the New Jersey State Museum Flags Gallery located at 205 West State Street in Trenton. They will remain on display until the next flag rotation in late December 2024 when new Civil War flags will be shown. The flags unveiled have not been on display for several years. They will include the national colors of the 23rd and 33rd Infantry regiments , the state colors of the 3rd Infantry, a rare company guidon from the 1st Cavalry , and a rare early war national flag from a militia company called the “Hunterdon Blues.” The National flag of the 23rd Regiment displayed is unique because it is labeled ”Yahoos,” a picturesque nickname given to the regiment for their rowdy behavior in camp early in the war. The exhibit's 3rd New Jersey Infantry flag is also a unique presentation flag commemorating their role in the battle of Crampton’s Pass, Maryland in 1862. The 33rd Infantry was one of the few New Jersey regiments to do most of their fighting in the war’s western theater. Organized by the New Jersey State Museum and the New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association, the unveiling event features an educational gallery and features a rotating exhibition of Civil War-related photographs, sculptures, and related memorabilia. Nicholas Ciotola, curator of cultural history at the New Jersey State Museum, prepared the exhibits with the aid of members of the New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association. These flags will be displayed until late December 2024, when a new group of flags will be added. For more information on flags lecture or the flag gallery: Contact Dr. David Martin at dmartin@peddie.org or visit www.NJCivilWar.com
When: Currently on display to the public until late December 2024 Where: NJ State Museum, Main Building, South Gallery, 205 West State Street, Trenton, NJ Cost: FREE, Open to the Public, No Reservations Needed
New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association
New Jersey Civil War Heritage Assn PO Box 442, Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075 Info@njcivilwar.com